
Friday, 16 May 2014

A Dream Postponed

To my dear IndyCar Family, this is a post I hoped I would never have to write & have tried everything I possibly can this past week to avoid. But as much as I hate to admit it, I am so sorry that I'm not going to make it over the pond to the Indy500 this year as I'd very much hoped to do.

In spite of my best efforts the complications I've suffered since my surgery have taken too heavy a toll. Talking with my surgeon this week it's become obvious that flying would present a serious risk to my health and that risk would not be fair on me, my family or you.

I am utterly gutted right now & am unashamed to admit I've shed many tears too. I was so desperate to experience this spectacular event in person with many of the wonderful friends I've made here.

However, as devastated as I am feeling at the moment, this blow has just made me all the more determined to get to Indy next year. This dream is merely on hold not over, that I can assure you!

Plus around the same time as Indy next year I will also be celebrating a rather significant birthday too - what better way to celebrate than at the Indy500?

I will of course still be as involved as possible in this year's race, watching & tweeting from across the pond. But it will also be very bittersweet not being there. I hope all my friends able to attend will have an extra special time for me & take lots of photos too please!

I really am so saddened & sorry that I won't get to see you all & share the Indy with you this year, but I promise that we'll make up for it in May 2015.

I'll write a proper blog over the weekend explaining more about my leg etc. But for now I can only apologise again for not being able to come over. I try so hard not to let my condition stop me or hold me back & I truly hate it when I have to accept that I can't do things but sometimes common sense has to win over my stubborn, bloody mindedness. Those times always makes me more determined to make it happen eventually though - and I will make this dream happen, I promise you that!

Enjoy this year's Indy500 my friends & thank you so much for all your support, encouragement & friendship, it helps me so much more than I can say.

Take care, 
Johanna x